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Cable v2 (2008)

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Bolivartrask Dom Nov 15 2009, 13:04

leonardobento escreveu:
Cable #20

Cable v2 (2008) 24637new_storyimage0172831_thumb

O arco com a Ninhada continua. O plano de Bishop e a Ninhada segue em frente, enquanto Cable está sendo engolido por uma baleia Acanti e Emil e Hope estão fugindo dos vilões. Emil quer que eles fujam e deixem Cable, mas Hope não concorda. Bishop está sendo mental/fisicamente comandado pela Rainha, mas acredita que consegue quebrar esse controle por alguns momentos, a fim de executar seu plano de matar a menina. Cable se livra da baleia, mas é expelido logo em frente a onde está Bishop, que explica à Ninhada que para chegar à menina, é preciso matar seu protetor. Enquanto isso, Emil deixa Hope inconsciente para seguir seu plano de fugir sem Cable, pois o resgate seria uma tentativa de suicídio nas atuais circunstâncias. Cable consegue derrubar seus oponentes e chega até a nave onde está Emil, que aponta uma arma pra ele. O homem explica ao garoto a história de Hope e os objetivos de Bishop. Consciente da importância da menina, Emil decide ajudar Cable a salvá-la, enviando-os pelo fluxo temporal com a tecnologia da nave. Ele envia os dois e faz a resistência a Bishop, atirando contra o inimigo. Ele também pega um aparelho (ou seria uma bomba?) que estava com Lucas e o ativa - uma explosão acontece. No próximo mês, começa o arco Homecoming.

Mensagens : 269
Data de inscrição : 30/10/2009
Localização : Rio de Janeiro

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Qua Nov 25 2009, 13:11

Continue acompanhando a missão de Cable pelas versões do X-Men Blog:

Cable v2 (2008) Xblogbanner
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Seg Nov 30 2009, 19:46

Muito chato, o Emil se recusando a ir na nave com a Hope, é RIDÍCULO
Bem forçado, pra a Hope ter o primeiro amor perdido dela

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Seg Nov 30 2009, 19:47

Piotr escreveu:Muito chato, o Emil se recusando a ir na nave com a Hope, é RIDÍCULO
Bem forçado, pra a Hope ter o primeiro amor perdido dela

Alguém tinha que ficar para conter Bishop, pelo menos por alguns instantes e dar tempo de a Hope ser salva.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Ter Dez 01 2009, 18:30

Não deixa de ser um clichê Leonardo
Porém , já sabemos os amores dela mesmo!

Korvus, Apache, Beija o Noturno, por aí vai!

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Ter Dez 01 2009, 18:45

Piotr escreveu:Não deixa de ser um clichê Leonardo
Porém , já sabemos os amores dela mesmo!

Korvus, Apache, Beija o Noturno, por aí vai!

Você tá falando da Rachel... e que eu saiba ela nunca teve nada com o Apache.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Ter Dez 01 2009, 21:58

AAAH é, foia Syrin
Tá, mas pelo menos você pegou a piadinha entre as duas, isso já me deixa feliz,
Eu queria mesmo falar da Rachel, insinuar que ela é a Hope

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Qua Dez 02 2009, 07:20

Piotr escreveu:AAAH é, foia Syrin
Tá, mas pelo menos você pegou a piadinha entre as duas, isso já me deixa feliz,
Eu queria mesmo falar da Rachel, insinuar que ela é a Hope

É a minha opinião também. Que ela seja a Rachel da Terra 616. Nascida de um ovo da Fênix.
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Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Qui Dez 03 2009, 09:25

Sim, seria bem legal, principalmente que a Rachel tem uma boa relação com o Cable, e já pediu segredo a ele por tudo do futuro uma vez, pra Ciclope nao saber que é pai, eles podem estar escondendo mais*-*

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Dez 18 2009, 14:39

Cable #21

Cable v2 (2008) 24638new_storyimage3038928_thumb

Começa o arco Homecoming. Cable e Hope estão na nave, rumando de volta para Terra, mas Cable sente que estão sendo perseguidos: Bishop está em uma baleia Acanti atrás deles. Ficamos sabendo que eles estão viajando faz 2 anos (desde que entraram na nave e ficaram em êxtase).

A baleia consegue devorar a nave de Cable, mas ele reage contra Bishop com uma rajada telecinética/telepática (rolou telepatia ali?). Hope finalmente acorda (ela parece uma mocinha de 15 anos) e a nave fala com ela - eles estão em queda livre quase chegando na Terra. A nave tem a voz de Emil - ele havia integrado sua voz aos dispositivos.

Eles batem no solo. Hope ajuda Cable a se levantar. Eles estão no que seria a Terra (a da realidade de Emil), um local inóspito. Hope diz a Nathan que ela está pronta para o que tem de fazer. Seu interior lhe diz que ela quer encontrar James, Laura, Josh, Logan. Ela quer se juntar aos X-Men. Cable diz que eles precisam fazer algo antes: precisam resolver o problema "Bishop". A baleia Acanti está morta, mas Bishop desapareceu e Cable precisa encontrar armas para enfrentá-lo. Hope manifesta um poder de "sentir as pessoas". Ela sabe que Bishop está por perto. Lucas consegue pegá-los e corta o pescoço de Nathan. Na hora em que ele atira para matá-la, ela consegue parar a bala com telecinese. Bishop pensa que "agora é tarde demais".

Caramba! Será?? Jean??

Lucas sabe que ela não é invencível e precisa usar outra arma: uma faca. Ela o ataca, mas ele devolve a energia cinética com um golpe. Mas Hope é muito poderosa e rebate a energia. Ela vai esfaqueá-lo, mas Cable impede. A ruiva pergunta a Cable por que ele a impediu. Nathan responde que é por que ela não quer o sangue de Lucas em suas mãos. Nathan pega a faca e tira o mecanismo temporal de Bishop. Ele ficará parado agora nessa realidade e não poderá segui-los. Nathan diz a ela que os X-Men podem ajudá-la com seus poderes e eles vão se teleportar atrás deles, mas eles só conseguem chegar ao ano de 1614. Bishop consegue despertar e entra no rastro do teleporte, indo para o mesmo ponto em que os outros dois (achei isso bem forçado...).

Edição grande com umas 40 páginas.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  HighBall Sex Dez 18 2009, 16:46

Foi a última edição?

Mensagens : 110
Data de inscrição : 27/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Dez 18 2009, 17:03

HighBall escreveu:Foi a última edição?

Não. Por enquanto, estão confirmadas até a edição 23. A última deve ser a 24 em março, antes do one-shot de Second Coming.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  HighBall Sex Dez 18 2009, 18:12

Ou seja, mais enrolação... Neutral

Mensagens : 110
Data de inscrição : 27/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Sex Dez 18 2009, 19:07

É, a saga era legal, pra uma mini, de 5 edições, Cable e Hope fugindo eternamente ENJOOU

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Dez 18 2009, 19:56

Piotr escreveu:É, a saga era legal, pra uma mini, de 5 edições, Cable e Hope fugindo eternamente ENJOOU

Exato. Foi muito repetitivo. Só que se fosse mini, não daria tempo de desenvolver o resto do universo-X até Second Coming.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Piotr Seg Dez 28 2009, 09:39

Se Cable tivesse um time, até conseguiria enrolar 25 edições brincando, mas é só ele e Hope, então por enquanto teremos de ver o eterno confronto do Bem e o Mal, ASUHASHUSUHA, parece novela

Mensagens : 692
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2009

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Jan 08 2010, 18:15

Cable #22

Cable v2 (2008) 69514new_storyimage-25544284%7C100x150

A revista está quase em seu final e permanece repetitiva. Bishop tenta matar Hope e não consegue... Na perseguição, eles vão cair na Guerra da Independência Americana. Enquanto isso, Loa, folheando livros no presente, vê Cable em meio a esse momento histórico.

Bishop deve ter uma máquina do tempo reserva, pois a dele foi roubada por Cable na edição anterior. E as duas devem se movimentar da mesma forma - pro mesmo lugar e tempo... para onde eles forem, Bishop vai.

Cable está mal de saúde, com dores no peito(acredito que pelo esforço de viajar no tempo), mas Hope encontra Bishop. Ele diz que poupará Cable se ela se entregar, mas, nessa hora, eles viajam no tempo de novo para 1840. Em mais um esforço de Nathan, eles saltam novamente - cada vez mais próximos de chegar ao presente, para os X-Men darem cabo de Bishop. Essa lenga-lenga dura até a edição 24, quando voltam para casa.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Fev 05 2010, 08:02

Cable #23

Cable v2 (2008) 1265330007_cvr

Cable e Hope estão sendo atacados por não terem pagado um pedágio, em NYC, ano de 2044. Cable está mal, então Hope precisa resolver por conta própria a situação. Ela finge se entregar, mas consegue dominar um dos atacantes. Ela parece se sair bem, mas chegam outras pessoas. Nathan reconhece a mulher que lidera esse novo grupo: Sophie Pettit, que supostamente (eu não lembro disso) ele conheceu em Cable #5.

Bishop é encontrado também, mas em outro lugar da ilha.

O grupo de Cable é atacado, sua amiga é morta e sua reação na hora, para salvar Hope, é viajar no tempo novamente. Ele e a menina caem no ano de 1933. Hope pergunta se eles estão em casa. Cable diz que não, mas que estão perto. Conclui na próxima edição.
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Ultimate_Avenger Sex Fev 05 2010, 08:15

Do jeito que o Cable está, parece que ele morre ANTES de Second Coming.


Mensagens : 307
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2010
Idade : 31
Localização : BH-MG

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Sex Fev 05 2010, 08:29

Ultimate_Avenger escreveu:Do jeito que o Cable está, parece que ele morre ANTES de Second Coming.

Acho que não, mas que a revista continua arrastada ela está. Nunca acontece nada... O Duane faz uma história e a divide em 4 partes de um arco, mas caberia facilmente em duas...
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Qui Mar 11 2010, 12:16

Cable #24

Cable v2 (2008) 69518comic_storystory_thumb-1086091.

Cable e Esperança continuam tentando voltar pra casa. Agora eles estão no meio de um tiroteio com Bishop e alguns gângsters. Eles acabam se teleportando depois para 2037, depois 1953 e por aí vai. (A falta de criatividade já assola o autor faz 24 edições...) Em 1990, Bishop consegue encurralá-los, mas Esperança está em posição de atirar nele, mas ela não o faz. Ele perfura Cable com uma espada. Mas antes de conseguir dar o golpe final, Esperança parte pra cima dele. A messias ativa o dispositivo de tempo e manda Bishop pro futuro. Em 6700 DC, Bishop se questiona se tem feito a coisa certa. Bishop e Esperança vão até a Mansão Xavier para seu último salto até o futuro.

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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Ultimate_Avenger Seg Mar 15 2010, 16:13

Sneak peek da última edição de Cable: Deadpool & Cable #25. Sei lá, apesar de fazer sentido, visto a parceria longa dos dois e o fato da missão ser perigosa, acho que não precisava disso. Era muito melhor ter o Cable atacando Cooperstown sozinho.

Não gostei. Não precisava do Deadpool aqui. Pelo menos a arte do Medina está legal como sempre.

“TWO MUTANTS AND A BABY” DOUBLE-SIZED FINAL ISSUE CO-STARRING DEADPOOL! You know, before that red-headed would-be messiah/destroyer of the world showed up, Cable had another partner. That’s right: Wade Wilson -- a.k.a. Deadpool! And while everybody’s excited about Cable bringing Hope back to the present to rejoin the X-Men, they’re forgetting the most important part of the story: The beginning, back when Cable first lifted the helpless baby out of her incubator up in Alaska. Wait -- You don’t think Cable did that alone, did you? You don’t think he managed to make his way across hundreds of miles, avoiding Predator X and Purifiers without a little assist, do you? Hell no. Cable asked for help from his favorite Merc with a Mouth and now, finally, this action-packed, oversized story can be told. Before there can be an end, there must be a beginning.

Cable v2 (2008) Prv4685_pg1
Cable v2 (2008) Prv4685_pg2
Cable v2 (2008) Prv4685_pg3
Cable v2 (2008) Prv4685_pg4
Cable v2 (2008) Prv4685_pg5


Mensagens : 307
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2010
Idade : 31
Localização : BH-MG

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Seg Mar 15 2010, 18:05

Finalmente saberemos com o resgate se deu. É a primeira edição do título que não mostrará o Bishop atrás da Hope!
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Mensagens : 2423
Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  Ultimate_Avenger Qua Mar 17 2010, 17:07

X-Position com Duane Swierczynski. Ele ala sobre como foi escrever Cable, Bishop e Hope, sobre o destino de Lucas, as razões de Cable ter falado tão pouco sobre os X-Men e mutantes à messias e como é encerrar a série.

Grey has a few questions that he wants some black-or-white answers for:

I’m a huge “Cable” fan, and I’m sad to see this series come to an end. I have a bunch of questions for you:

1) Why do you think Cable didn’t tell Hope about the X-Men or about being a mutant sooner?

Thanks, Grey. I’m sorry to see the series end, too. But our plan all along was to tell this specific story, then bring Hope back to the present. Why didn’t Cable say anything earlier? From the beginning, Cable’s been determined to let Hope choose her own path. His mission wasn’t to nudge her one way or the other. It was to keep her alive until she was able to make her own choice. And now, she has.

2) Are there any untold tales of Cable/Hope that you would have liked to write?

I had a chance to do a little of that with the “A Girl Named Hope” backup stories (collected in the one-shot: “X-Men: Hope” #1), but it would certainly be fun to do more.

3) In the last issue, Bishop doubts himself for the first time…why now?

All along Bishop’s had the idea that fate’s been guiding his actions. No matter how desperate things seemed, no matter how impossible, fate would pull his butt out of the fire and let him complete his mission. But now, it’s clear “fate” wasn’t on Bishop’s side…because Bishop has seemingly lost. I see it as a kind of a Biblical, “Lord, why have you forsaken me?” kind of moment.

4) Has Cable ever discussed the Phoenix with Hope?

He’s barely talked about the X-Men or being a mutant. I don’t think he’d open up that blazing can of worms.

Adam is curious about Bishop’s past and future. What do you say?

1) I've really enjoyed your run on “Cable” and the Bishop miniseries. You planted a couple of self-proclaimed X-Men in Bishop's backstory. Both of them regret that the team didn't know "what" Hope was when they protected her. Did these X-Men seek Bishop out on purpose? Did Storm and Gambit/the Witness plant the seeds of psychosis in him on the off-chance that he could succeed in stopping Hope when he grew up?

That would presume that Bishop’s grandmother is Storm. That would also mean that Grandma knew that Bishop would be going back in time, which is a huge leap to make. As for “The Witness” – it’s very possible he knew that Bishop had appeared in the past, and I’m sure he had his own agenda, which no doubt influenced the young Lucas.

Pages from "Cable/Deadpool" #25

2) I liked that Bishop survived the series, after getting his character developed more than it has been in ages. If he found his way back from the future, would you be interested in writing him again?

I’d love to. There’s a powerful redemption story there. I know I’ve said this countless times, but I don’t see Bishop as a villain. He was doing what he thought was right – and he stuck to his guns to a tragic degree.

3) Another thing that wasn't explicitly spelled out (but had me wondering) was the redhead who Hope almost ran over in “Cable” #24. It reminded me of how Jean Grey got her powers after her best friend was hit by a passing car. Was that intentional on your part, or am I reading too much into this? I wish we were able to see your scripts!

Good eye, Adam. I was nodding to a few things there, actually. And because you asked so nice, here’s my panel description from that script:

5/ Cut to a second later, from Hope’s POV: a near fatal hit. In front of the Civic, just inches away from the bumper, is a 9-year-old girl – red hair in a ponytail, green eyes, holding a skateboard. In another life, this could have been Hope. Added bonus: this will TOTALLY freak Adam out when he reads it!

See? Duane totally keeps his readers in mind while he’s writing!

Above, you mentioned Adam presuming a relation of Bishop’s. Well, Valeria Kementari believes knowledge is power…can you help empower her?

Mr. Swierczynski, did you intend for Storm to be Bishop’s grandmother in “The Times and Lives of Lucas Bishop?” A lot of fans seem to think she is even though there was no actual mention of it whatsoever…

That’s one of those things that’s been teased for years. I say let the teasing continue!

Although you can’t reveal that detail about Bishop, maybe you can help Sharif Youssef out with his questions about our favorite time-hopping hunter…

Duane, I love your version of Bishop! You’ve added so many nice little touches, such as Bishop thinking of Shard as a little girl being branded on the face every time he blinks his eye; the fact that he lived with Stryfe for twelve years without ever allowing himself to think of Hope; that he nuked his parents in Australia; Bishop waving that hilarious badge because he really believes he’s still a cop.

Just like Forge, you never left any question that he was cracked and completely delusional about the concept of time-travel. The way he filters history into his obsession made Bishop hilarious, tragic and compelling. My questions:

1) Was your limited series meant to show that the Bishop we've been reading about all these years was always crazy or at least always on the verge? Do you think he just snapped when Hope was born?

I really appreciate the kind words, Sharif. I don’t think Bishop was always crazy. He grew up hearing about this monster who had ruined everything – but only when the events of “Messiah CompleX” drew near did he realize that, “Oh crap, it’s happening! Now! I need to stop this…”

Pages from "Cable/Deadpool" #25

2) At the end of issue #24, Bishop seems to feel like a proud Poppa because he helped to raise Hope as a badass. Do you think all along he subconsciously wanted her to become a monster?

Not at all. It’s not so much pride as “What have I done?” One wonders what Hope’s life would have been like if Bishop had just left her alone.

3) Did you ever consider having Bishop discover that Layla Miller triggered the rebellion in which his parents were killed, and that she intentionally turned the man who would kill his sister into a soulless monster? Is Bishop's story over?

Bishop’s story is not over. He’s probably off the playing field for a while, but I think there’s more to learn about our disgraced mutant cop.

Marcus Martin has an assortment of queries on a variety of topics. As they say on Jeopardy, “Alex, I’ll take Potpourri for $300…”

1) I'm kind of sad about what happened to Bishop within this series. I mean, never once did the X-Men get his side of the story – just small tidbits of his past/their future. I truly do think that he lost his way as a hero, as he was so obsessed with killing Hope. So I just have to ask you...wasn't there any chance of redemption for Bishop at all that he could have taken?

As long as he clung to the idea that Hope had to die, I don’t think anything could have convinced him to step off the road he was traveling. By the end of #24, though, Bishop does seem to understand that maybe his actions have had the opposite reaction. Maybe he helped create this “monster.”

2) With Deadpool returning for the final issue, are we going to be getting the fourth wall jokes/yellow boxes? Or will you be portraying a different side of Deadpool? Whose perspective will this story be from?

This will be the Deadpool we know and love, yellow boxes and all. The story jumps back and forth between Cable and Deadpool’s POV, though there’s a reason Deadpool’s name appears first in the title.

3) What other Marvel characters would you like to try to write and why?

I’ve been lucky to have been given at crack to my favorites – the Punisher, Werewolf By Night, Moon Knight, Wolverine and various X-Men. But I think I won’t die happy unless I get the chance to do a little Spidey. Somewhere. Somehow…

Page from "Cable/Deadpool" #25

Speaking of other Marvel characters, Marius665 would like to know more about a certain non-mutant with some powerful pummeling abilities…

I know it’s not an X-Men question, but I just wanted to ask what’s going on with “The Immortal Iron Fist?” Are there any plans to bring the series back with either yourself as the writer or another creative team? And when is Misty going to have the baby? At the time it was coming out, the book was easily my favorite series! I loved how you continued after Fraction/Brubaker and just kept the ball rolling. Thanks for that!

Thank you, Marius665. So glad you dug the series. For a while there I thought the series would be coming back soon, but alas, it wasn’t to be. Still, I can’t imagine that Danny and Misty will be on the sidelines all that long.

ClanAskani concludes today’s verbal “assault” with two questions: one about Cable’s omission and the other about your inspiration.

1) There's been a notable absence of anything Askani-related in Cable. Is this something that you wanted to avoid as a writer? Or something that Cable wanted to avoid teaching Hope?

As I mentioned earlier, Cable was awfully closed-mouthed about a lot of things when it came to Hope. I think he’d be worried about filling her head with stories of the Askani – that it would cloud her own judgment.

2) Your upcoming novel, “Expiration Date,” has to do with time travel. Is this an idea you came up with while writing “Cable?” What else can you tell us about this book?

The idea for “Expiration Date” has been in my head for over ten years. It started as a sequel to my first novel, “Secret Dead Men,” and was about a time-traveling detective (he’d take cases in the past, then go forward to the future to “solve” them via Google). But when I started writing it, I realized the key to the story wasn’t the time-traveling gimmick; rather, it was the screwed-up family relationships. That’s probably the closest tie to “Cable,” actually. Instead of a father/daughter dynamic, I played around with a son/dead father story.

Before we go, it’s time for this week’s “Behind the X” question, where fans get to learn about what makes X-writers tick. As your answer to the last query was a bit touchy-feely, tell us…what was the last movie you watched that made you cry (and who were you watching it with)?

Geez, George – what, are you trying to get me thrown out of the hardboiled tough-guy club? Truth is, I’m always a sucker for grandfather/grandson-type weepies. Specifically grandfather/grandson weepies featuring Peter Falk. The end of “Princess Bride,” when Falk tells Fred Savage: “As you wish…” Gets me every time. And it’s not even a sad moment! Then there’s “Roommates,” Peter Yates’ 1995 “comedy” where we watch Peter Falk’s character raise the D.B. Sweeney character from boyhood, and guide him through various traumas and tragedies. I openly wept at the end of that one (and I was alone, thank you very much).


Mensagens : 307
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2010
Idade : 31
Localização : BH-MG

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

Mensagem  leonardobento Qua Mar 17 2010, 17:53

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Data de inscrição : 21/10/2009
Idade : 35

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Cable v2 (2008) Empty Re: Cable v2 (2008)

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